Hirotoshi Yamamura
Hirotoshi Yamamura
Executive Consultant, Business Development

Willis Lease Finance Corporation


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Aviation Opportunities | Workshops

今年のIshka Investing in Aviation Finance Japanでは、業界をリードするパートナーと共に、伝統的な航空機ファイナンスとは異なる投資機会に焦点を当てた幾つかのセッションを準備しました。


- 資産としてのエンジンを理解:航空機とはどの様に異なるのか?投資家の視点からエンジンの特徴とは?

- 航空機と比較し、エンジンは資産としてどの様なパフォーマンスを見せるのか?

- 今日、スペアエンジンに投資する最良の手段とは?

This year at Ishka Investing in Aviation Finance: Japan, we are working with leading industry partners to deliver a series of sessions that showcase the opportunities at the fringes of traditional aviation finance. Led by experts, these sessions will help you better understand the risk in some of aviation's more lucrative sectors.

Note: you must be registered in advance to attend these sessions. This session is now full - and registration is closed.

  • Understanding engines as an asset class: how does it differ to aircraft? What are the unique features of engines as an asset from an investor perspective?
  • How have engines performed as an asset class relative to aircraft?
  • What is the best means of investing into spare engines today? 

Hirotoshi Yamamura
Executive Consultant, Business Development, Willis Lease Finance Corporation