Abdol Moabery
Abdol Moabery
President & CEO

GA Telesis

United States

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Main Agenda

    • Why invest in engines and not aircraft(returns, ease of repossession) 
    • Engine values and lease rate comparison
    • Understanding types of engines. How does new tech compare to current tech? 
    • Investor experience: Understanding returns spare engine investment. How do engine repossessions work in practice? 
Abdol Moabery
President & CEO, GA Telesis


Main Agenda

    • Engine demand in context: When will demand for spare engines normalise? Who are the winners and losers?  
    • Understanding latest with New Gen engine teething issues. Has underperformance of new gen engines affect the retirement ages of CEOs and NGs?
    • What is the outlook for the spare engine market?
Alex Vella
Chief Executive Officer, Magnetic Leasing
Bobby Janagan
Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce & Partners Finance
Jeff Lewis
Chief Executive Officer, Hanwha Aviation
Marc Iarchy
Partner, World Star Aviation
Marc Cho
Chief Investment Officer & President, LIFT - GA Telesis
Abdol Moabery
President & CEO, GA Telesis



  • 航空機投資にかわりエンジン投資するワケ(リターン、売却の容易性)
  • エンジン価値とリース料比較
  • エンジン種類を理解する。次世代技術と現行技術比較。
  • 投資家の経験:エンジン投資のリターンを理解する。エンジンのリポセッションは実際どのように行われるのか?
    Abdol Moabery
    President & CEO, GA Telesis



    • エンジン需要の背景:スペアエンジン需要はいつ正常化するのか?勝者と敗者は?
    • 次世代エンジンに関する最新の課題を理解する 。次世代エンジンのアンダーパフォーマンスは、CEOやNGの退役年齢に影響を与えるか?
    • スペアエンジン市場の見通しは?
    Alex Vella
    Chief Executive Officer, Magnetic Leasing
    Jeff Lewis
    Chief Executive Officer, Hanwha Aviation
    Bobby Janagan
    Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce & Partners Finance
    Marc Iarchy
    Partner, World Star Aviation
    Marc Cho
    Chief Investment Officer & President, LIFT - GA Telesis
    Abdol Moabery
    President & CEO, GA Telesis