Sean Hinze
Sean Hinze
SVP, Portfolio Manager


Mr. Hinze is a senior vice president in the portfolio management group in the Newport Beach office, focusing on special situations and private equity investments. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2013, he was an investment banker at Goldman Sachs, covering the technology and financial sectors. He also served six years in the U.S. Army and Air Force, with his last assignment as a Captain and combat adviser to the Iraqi Army. He has 14 years of investment and financial services experience and holds an MBA from the Anderson School of Management at the University of California, Los Angeles, and an undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.

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Main Agenda

  • Are lease rates increasing? Are these helping meet return requirements for investors? 
  • Fundraising: has investor appetite been sufficient for lessor fund raising efforts? 
  • Are more lessor M&As and portfolio acquisitions likely? Is anyone else going to exit the space? 
  • Understanding the impact of new leasing platforms on the market
Simon Hanson
Chairman, Asia Pacific & Middle East, Avolon
Diederik Lindhout
Chief Operating Officer & Founding Partner, Arena Aviation Capital
Antony Snelleman
EVP & Region Manager, Asia, High Ridge Aviation
Sven Respondek
Head of Transaction Management, Investor Origination & Business Development, GOAL Aircraft Leasing
Sean Hinze
SVP, Portfolio Manager, PIMCO



  • リース料は上昇傾向?リターン要件を満たす投資家サポートの一助となっているか
  • 資金調達:レッサー出資に対する投資家意欲は十分か?
  • レッサーM&A、ポートフォリオ買収は増加するか?一方で撤退するプレイヤーは?
  • 新しいリースプラットフォームが市場に与える影響を理解する

Simon Hanson
Chairman, Asia Pacific & Middle East, Avolon
Diederik Lindhout
Chief Operating Officer & Founding Partner, Arena Aviation Capital
Antony Snelleman
EVP & Region Manager, Asia, High Ridge Aviation
Sven Respondek
Head of Transaction Management, Investor Origination & Business Development, GOAL Aircraft Leasing
Sean Hinze
SVP, Portfolio Manager, PIMCO