Clovis Peryer
Clovis Peryer

Peryer Law


After 17 years with Air New Zealand where he worked in--house and in commercial roles responsible for funding and the fleet, and most recently Head of Japan, Clovis left the airline earlier this year to return to his roots of supporting Japan to do business with the world.

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Main Agenda

  • What is the new ESG framework for Nippon Life? What are the hurdles for entering asset finance as an insurance company?  
  • What does this mean for aviation players looking for investment? 
  • Understanding the Pegasus Principles and Impact’s methodology. How are financial institutions seeking to report and measure aviation portfolio emissions? 
  • Understanding hydrogen aircraft development
Yasutoshi Miyamoto
General Manager, Responsible Investment Strategy Office, Nippon Life
Mari Yamazaki
Vice President, Crédit Agricole CIB
Clovis Peryer
Principal, Peryer Law
Kosuke Kanematsu
Consulting Partner, ERM



  • 日本生命の新しい ESG フレームワークとは?保険会社としてアセットファイナンスに参 入するためのハードルとは?
  • 投資を検討するアビエーションプレイヤーにとって、ESGフレームワークは何を意味するのか?
  • ペガサス原則とインパクトの手法を理解する。航空ポートフォリオに対する金融機関の 排出量開示手法と測定方法
  • ケースからの教訓は、航空ファイナンスを検討する日本の投資家に適用できるか?
  • ゼロカーボン排出航空機の発展
Yasutoshi Miyamoto
General Manager, Responsible Investment Strategy Office, Nippon Life
Mari Yamazaki
Vice President, Crédit Agricole CIB
Clovis Peryer
Principal, Peryer Law
Kosuke Kanematsu
Consulting Partner, ERM