Isamu Ueta
Isamu Ueta
Head of Asset Management

SBI Leasing Services

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Main Agenda

Powered by Ishka’s Airline Credit Profiles, the panel of arrangers will examine a series of deals to determine what is required to get a JOL/JOLCO done. Given a baseline financing agreement and LTV, it will explore nuances in credit and asset analysis to give investors an understanding of what makes a good deal.  

  • With recoveries in airline financials in Asia, do investors have appetite for regional names? 
  • Would investors work with an older credit they’ve stopped dealing with since Covid? 
  • What do airlines need to know to work with Japanese investors? 
Keiichi Nakamura
Executive Director, FPG
Isamu Ueta
Head of Asset Management, SBI Leasing Services
Takeru Mifune
Head of Asset Finance Team, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank
Hitoshi Seki
Director / Commercial Negotiation & Executions, iStrings Aviation Capital Co., Ltd.
Motonari Komatsu
Head of Aviation & Structured Finance, APAC, Societe Generale



Ishka のエアライン分析ツールを活用し、アレンジャーによるパネルディスカッションを交えな がら、JOL/JOLCO 成立のためには何が必要か案件をベースに検証する。基本的な融資契約と LTV を前提に、与信と資産分析のニュアンスを探り、投資家にとっての良い取引は何かを議論す る。

  • アジア地域航空会社の財務が改善する中、投資家意欲は上昇するか?
  • パンデミック以来ディールが止まっていた航空会社へ投資家をサポートするレンダーは戻っているか?
  • 投資家の協力を得るためエアラインが理解しておく必要のある事とは?
Keiichi Nakamura
Executive Director, FPG
Isamu Ueta
Head of Asset Management, SBI Leasing Services
Takeru Mifune
Head of Asset Finance Team, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank
Motonari Komatsu
Head of Aviation & Structured Finance, APAC, Societe Generale